
The Center for Bioethics and Humanities faculty and faculty associates reach learners across the entire University of Colorado system through innovative curricula, special programs and presentations, and integrated content in ethics and humanities. Faculty are involved in teaching students in all professional schools and health programs on the Anschutz Medical Campus including the "Humanities, Ethics, and Professionalism Thread" in Undergraduate Medical Education; "Illness, Disability, and the Individual Seminars" in the Physical Therapy Program; "Ethics and Values" in the Interprofessional Education Program; and "Professional Ethics" and "Research Ethics" for Psychiatry and Internal Medicine Residents. We also offer a Graduate Certificate in Health Humanities and Ethics and an undergraduate interdisciplinary Minor in Health Humanities at UC Denver​. 

Graduate Certificate in Bioethics and Humanities in Health
Advanced Ethical Leadership
Public Health Ethics and Law Program
Community Program

Our research and scholarship focus on innovations in health humanities education, specifically the development of programs and curricula, visual culture and advocacy, narrative medicine, and reflective writing; the history of medicine and contemporary ethical issues in public health especially concerning stigma and pain; inter-professional education; palliative care and end-of-life issues, holocaust and genocide education and the ethical implications of advances in genomics. The Center directly supports ethics consultation, policy development and clinician education across the university and the state. 

Center for Bioethics and Humanities

CU Anschutz

Fulginiti Pavilion for Bioethics and Humanites

13080 East 19th Avenue

Administrative Office Room 201

Aurora, CO 80045


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