If this is an emergency or imminent concern,
please call 911 (campus phone) or University Police at 303-724-4444 (cellphone).
This form is intended for Student and Faculty in the 13 Basic Science PhD Programs in the Office of Research Education.
For concerns that do NOT directly impact student(s) and/or faculty in a specific program and/or want to remain confidential and not routed to program leadership, please select the “ORE-Assistant Dean of Student Affairs or ORE-Associate Dean of Research Education” to route the form to the ORE Leadership and not the Program Leadership.
For all others, please identify a program below to ensure the Program Director and Program Administrator receive the submitted concern.
If this is a situation that also involves a request for campus resources and/or campus support, please complete the CU Anschutz Student Outreach and Support Office form here . If this is a request for a Medical Leave of Absence (MLOA) please click here .