Naomi Spector |
Graduate Experience for Multicultural Students for Health Professionals (GEMS-HP)
ASCENT is a two-year mentored cancer research training and professional and career development experience designed to prepare
post-baccalaureate students to enroll and succeed in top-tier cancer-related PhD or MD-PhD programs.
Baccalaureate to Medicine and Research (B2MR)
A two-year program for MD and MD-PhD for candidates
pursuing a medical degree focusing on becoming clinician-scientists.
Colorado Summer Institute in Biostatistics (CoSIBS)
CoSIBS is a Summer Institute in Biostatistics (SIBS) program that is sponsored by a grant from the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The purpose of the NHLBI SIBS program is to introduce advanced undergraduate and early-stage graduate students to the field of biostatistics and the frontiers of data sciences.
Contact: | CoSIBS
Contact: Amisha Singh, DDS | | MHA Pathways to Dentistry Program
PATH-GDS is a two-year program to introduce and train MS Statistics and MS Applied Mathematics students in genomics research. Our goal is to build an inclusive and representative community of genomic data scientists to foster retention in academia and industry.
Contact: Joshua French, PhD| | PATHGDS
School of Dental Medicine International Student Program (ISP)
The CU Denver Certificate in Allied & Professional Health Sciences was developed as an opportunity for the many students who already have a bachelor’s degree and want to shift their career into this large and fast-growing industry to improve employment opportunities and potential earnings.
Contact: Contact: Trishia Vasquez | | Certificate in Allied & Professional Health Sciences