Dear colleagues,
We are writing to share news about a leadership transition at CU South Denver. We have accepted the resignation of Vice Chancellor for Enterprise Development Luella Chavez D’Angelo, who is stepping down to pursue other opportunities, effective September 30. Scot Chadwick, who has served as executive director of digital education for the Denver and Anschutz campuses since last September, will step into the vice chancellor role, while continuing to co-lead the Office of Digital Education with Dr. Sheana Bull.
Between the groundwork that Luella has laid and the momentum that Scot is building, the future looks bright for CU South Denver. Luella has set a solid foundation there since 2016, including developing a strategic plan and vision for CU South Denver’s academic, financial and facility operations. She has built a strong, effective internal team, which has positioned CU South Denver as a talent development partner with businesses in the fast-growing south metro area. Her team has worked with our schools and colleges to develop professional and executive education and training that is responsive to business needs.
Scot’s background includes extensive experience as an education technology leader and advisor to higher education executives across the country whose institutions are widely viewed as leaders in digital education. He has also held several business
leadership roles in the private sector that add valuable experience and perspective to leading the CU South Denver enterprise and expanding our employer partnerships.
Since joining the university last fall, Scot has been building the capacity of our two campuses to serve online and blended learners, particularly working adults for whom competing demands of professional and family obligations make it inconvenient or
impossible to advance their education on a physical campus. The Office of Digital Education, like CU South Denver, is working in partnership with our schools and colleges to meet the demands of today’s adult learner through fully online and
blended degree and certificate programs.
Adult learners and employers alike are increasingly looking to higher education for innovations in online and blended delivery, micro-credentials, education-as-a-benefit programs, etc. to align their education goals to their career and life goals. Connecting
our expertise at CU South Denver with the Office of Digital Education will enable CU Denver and CU Anschutz to remain at the forefront of serving the adult learner of today and of the future.
Please join us in congratulating Scot on his new role and in wishing Luella well in her next professional chapter, as vice president of marketing and communications at Centura Health.
Dorothy Horrell
Chancellor, CU Denver
Don Ellliman
Chancellor, CU Anschutz Medical Campus