Chancellor's Communique

Join Us in a Moment of Solidarity - 4-20-21

Dear students, faculty and staff,

The CU Anschutz Medical Campus respects today’s verdict in the Derek Chauvin trial for the murder of George Floyd. While we are heartened by this ruling of the jury, the former officer’s conviction provides little solace for Mr. Floyd’s family, his community, and those everywhere impacted by a seemingly unending series of deadly acts of violence against Black men and other people of color in this country. 

George Floyd’s death - one year ago next month - struck a deep chord among many. Indeed, it galvanized a movement for long-overdue change that has swept the nation and beyond in a concerted call for action. Let us mark this moment by coming together to stand with one another in solidarity - as a community united in shared purpose and driven by an unrelenting desire for a better, more equitable future.

Tomorrow, Wednesday, April 21, at 2 p.m., we invite you to gather with other members of the CU Anschutz community outside on Boettcher Commons in front of the Fulginiti Pavilion for a time of dialogue and support.

We will also livestream the event for those who would like to join us virtually; details on the livestream will be shared tomorrow afternoon. We’ll hear from members of our campus and student body leadership, and peer mentors and healthcare providers will be on hand to help lead discussions among those who wish to use this time to connect. Please follow on-campus protocols if you choose to join us: complete the daily health questionnaire, wear your mask, and help us keep physical distancing practices in place as we gather together.

Our job as an academic medical campus devoted to service, health and healing is to determine our role in helping to right historic wrongs and address current inequities. While we might not know exactly what that role looks like, or what the next step - or the next fifty - might be, we know without a doubt that there is much to do, and we are stronger and better together.

This is a difficult time in our country - in our history - and we want you to know you are not alone as you try to reckon with its meaning and consequences. We have mental health resources available, including drop-in Zoom support sessions starting tomorrow morning, and details are available here.

Take care of yourselves and one another,

Don Elliman

Roderick Nairn
Provost & Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs

John J. Reilly, Jr.
Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs & Dean, School of Medicine

Ralph Altiere
Dean, Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

David Engelke
Dean, Graduate School

Denise Kassebaum
Dean, School of Dental Medicine

Elias Provencio-Vasquez
Dean, College of Nursing

Jonathan Samet
Dean, Colorado School of Public Health
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