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Our Vision (the future we seek to create)
The Center is home to world-class programs that are proven to cultivate values,
celebrate imagination and produce vibrant community conversations.  

Our Mission (what we do)
The Center generates unique opportunities to create transformational learning, groundbreaking scholarship, thought-provoking culture and arts, and inclusive conversations for health professionals, students, patients and communities in Colorado and beyond.

Plan for Helping Combat Systemic Racism in the Health Professions.

Consider Making a Gift to Support the Center for Bioethics and Humanities.

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The Fulginiti Pavilion for Bioethics and Humanities

Perhaps the best description of the Fulginiti Pavilion, written by Denver Post art critic Ray Rinaldi, is “The presence of a strong, small building in a rising city of behemoths changes the whole place… the place itself breathes and it also provides breathing space, a rhythm, for the overall campus.”  Read the full article.

​The Fulginiti Pavilion for Bioethics and Humanities is situated at the north end of the Boettcher Commons, and the centerpiece of the facility is the Gossard Forum a unique in-the-round auditorium seating 140.  The Forum is a specialized space to elevate and encourage deliberation of the most pressing moral healthcare issues we face, both within our campus community, as well with our regional and national communities.

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