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Weekly Update on Research Reconstitution Activities

May 15, 2020

Dear Research Community Colleagues, 

We appreciate your ongoing engagement and collaboration during this challenging time. Together, we continue to make progress on increasing our research activity, prioritizing the safety of all those involved.

Below is an update on the current plan for increasing human subject, basic/laboratory and vivarium research, while maintaining important safety measures. In all cases, researchers should not return to campus until specifically invited to do so and until specifically approved by central research administration.
As a reminder: All faculty and staff designated as critical must take the SkillSoft “CU: COVID-19 Return to Campus - CU Denver | Anschutz” training, available through the My.CU portal prior to entry to any of the facilities. 

We will be in phase 2 of the Campus COVID-19 Research Reconstitution plan and continue to accomplish those objectives the week of May 18.
Building Entry: For the week of May 18, research building entry screening will be from 7:00AM to 5:00PM. All those accessing the research buildings (RC1 N/S and RC2 + other designated individuals) are to enter through the West Entrance of Hensel Phelps between the auditorium and RC2 during those times. Follow additional signage that will be present each day. A wristband will be given to wear for the day after completing the entry point. If you are entering after hours, you will need to complete the questionnaire and coordinate with your COVID official.  

Clinical Research Committee: The Clinical Research Taskforce has developed a prioritization framework to guide the ramp up clinical research on campus. The expansion to non-essential clinical research will begin on May 18. Requests to operationalize groups 1 and 2 of the plan can be submitted to this link. The activation plan is outlined in this workflow diagramNote: Before clinical research can occur in any CU Anschutz space, the designated COVID official for that facility/floor must submit a space plan for review and approval. This plan should be based on the clinical research reconstitution plan.

CORE Facilities: The core start-up pilot has allowed for the early opening of several cores and these efforts have now transitioned to the COVID officials. All cores approved under the pilot should be in touch with their COVID official going forward and no additional cores will be approved under this pilot. A separate communication detailing the transition from the start-up pilot to the broader COVID plan model has been sent. For more information or if you have questions, please email:

COVID Officials/COVID Plans: A COVID official has been identified for each floor and a list can be found here  . COVID officials have worked with the labs on their floors to submit plans over the past week. The COVID plans are currently being reviewed in the following manner: individual plan reviews, follow up to clarify any questions, in-person walk-through of the floor, confirmation of personnel for new access and plan approval. The process of sending out approval letters for COVID plans started yesterday (5/14). As additional COVID plans are approved, we expect a continued, steady increase in activity over the coming weeks. We appreciate all those identified to assist in the building entry process – this had helped us to continue to advance this process successfully. 

OLAR: OLAR continues to allow research to ramp up in conjunction with COVID floor plan and individual lab plan approvals. Reminder: Each laboratory must receive approval by their COVID Official (after the Floor Plan has been approved) and then must submit the OLAR Research Restart Form before starting new cohorts. All individuals accessing the vivarium, regardless of prior approval, must be listed on the OLAR restart form. Further detail will be in the OLAR specific communication.  

Community-based research: Specific guidance for community-based research is now being developed. A working group on this topic has been formed and charged with adapting the existing research guidance for the needs of this area.


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