EMS Room Reservations to be Removed; Space Requests Managed Under New COVID-Related
June 3, 2020
**Update: As of August 5, all in-person university-sponsored events and official functions are suspended through at least December 31, 2020.
Given the physical distancing requirements, increased cleaning schedules and reduced building occupancy limits now in place on campus, space is at a premium.
In order to ensure we deliver critical programming, all existing requests for conference rooms, classrooms and scheduled space will be removed from the EMS room reservation system this week. Those with EMS scheduling access will have their capabilities deactivated at this time.
All room requests through spring 2021 will be centrally managed and approved, with priority given to in-person student and trainee learning activities that cannot be conducted remotely.
Here’s what you need to know:
- All meetings of any size are to take place virtually, even when attendees are on campus, so any requests for conference rooms, meeting spaces and classrooms not accounted for in approved return to campus plans should be a rare exception.
- All in-person, university-sponsored events and official functions remain suspended through at least the end of August.
- All available space in university buildings will be prioritized for teaching and learning activities that must take place on campus.
- Research, clinical research, clinical care and academic activities that have resumed on campus have necessary space accounted for in their approved return to campus plans. This space will remain reserved.
- Those seeking an exception for room reservations must submit this application form.
- New requests will be reviewed within 2 business days, starting June 8.
- You must receive official approval before EMS reservations will be confirmed.
- Due to distancing requirements and occupancy limits, those approved may receive a reservation for a room different from the specific space requested.