Our Mission
To collaboratively consider shared research questions and methodologies in collecting evidence for best practice in education across the Anschutz Campus and globally.
Our Events
The Education Studio Steering Committee is currently planning 2 to 3 events per calendar year. Our first Education Studio event was held on May 13th, 2022 at the Anschutz Medical Campus and it was a huge success. The topic was Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs). Please visit this website for developments on future events and topics.
Our Network
With the success of our first Education Studio event, many have expressed interest in continuing collaborative educational research projects on topics sparked by Education Studio. For this purpose, Education Network is a framework facilitating Education Studio participants to expand their opportunity to work in finding evidence together on best practice
in teaching and learning.
Your Feedback and Interest
Please fill out the following survey to let us know of your interest and feedback concerning Education Studio and/or Education Network. Your voice counts! It will take you approximately 3 minutes to complete this survey. Thank you!