Chancellor Communique

An Update on Salary Setting, Hiring & University Travel, 3-21-25

Dear colleagues,

At the CU Anschutz Medical Campus, our missions to educate healthcare professionals and bring healing and hope to those we serve are as vital as ever. To deliver on those missions, we must ensure our campus remains fiscally sound and positioned well for what lies ahead. At this time of significant uncertainty and rapid change, we are therefore taking additional steps to protect the fiscal integrity of our organization.

Below we share an update on salary-setting for this year and details on two proactive measures we are implementing now to bolster our resources amid mounting challenges to our financial position at the federal and state levels.

Annual Salary-Setting Process

While many other institutions are pausing merit increases and salary adjustments this year, we are holding true to our commitment to invest in our people. In close consultation with our schools and administrative units, we have decided to carry forward with our annual merit and salary adjustment process for faculty and university staff during the July salary-setting cycle as per usual. For classified staff, our campus will follow the state of Colorado’s Step Pay Program as required. 

We are deeply appreciative of your hard work and dedication, and continuing with the annual salary-setting process is one way we can demonstrate our appreciation, despite the current financial uncertainties.

Hiring Considerations

We are revisiting our hiring process, which includes a slowdown on new and replacement hires. While hiring is not halted entirely at this time, we are postponing non-clinical hires and roles not approved as critical for ongoing operations.

Please note that hires currently in process, with offers already extended, may proceed as planned. However, all open positions will be reviewed for temporary delays, and any new hires or hires to backfill existing positions require approval. Each dean’s office will have specific procedures for their school or college; all central administration hires will be reviewed through the Executive Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance to the Office of the Chancellor.

University-Sponsored Travel Protocols

In light of current circumstances, we are also restricting university-sponsored travel. Immediate trips that are already booked may proceed as scheduled; future trips must be evaluated and reviewed with your leadership. More information about university travel is available on the Human Resources website. Effective immediately, all travel requires school or central campus leadership approval.

Should you have questions about these updates, please reach out to your dean or central campus leadership for clarification. These activities will be reviewed at regular intervals, and normal operations will resume as soon as we feel it is appropriate to do so.

We understand these temporary changes may bring challenges, but we are confident that we will get through this moment by working together as a campus community. We appreciate your cooperation and commitment as we navigate these times to keep our mission moving forward and our institution strong.

With gratitude,

Don Elliman
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