Kim Thomas, PhD

Assistant Investigator, Vitalant Research Institute

Kim received her B.S. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from California Lutheran University and her Ph.D. in Microbiology/Immunology at the University of Alabama Birmingham. She then joined the Reed Lab at UCLA for a Postdoctoral position in alloimmunity, then moved to Washington University in St Louis, where she was a Postdoc in an infectious disease lab, followed by a Senior Scientist position then Instructor position in Pediatric Critical Care where she developed her research program in transfusion medicine and platelet biology. She was then recruited as an Assistant Investigator to Vitalant Research Institute and has Adjunct faculty appointments at both UCSF and UC-AMC. Her lab’s research is multi-faceted, but with all projects relating to the central theme of advancing personalized precision transfusion medicine.

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