Hana Gebru, Jeffrey Kearns, Dr. Mair Churchill (7/23)
The Structural Biology and Biochemistry track provides students with graduate level training in structural biology, biophysics and mechanistic biochemistry with an emphasis on laboratory research.
Goal | Students will acquire a solid foundation and specialized skills in biomedical, biophysical, and structural sciences that will be preparation for further education in graduate and professional programs as well as a career in academic research or industry.
Hands-On Experience | Students will demonstrate original investigation showing critical judgment, as well as familiarity with tools and methods of research, through preparation of a thesis that will be defended prior to obtaining the degree.
Coursework | The curriculum includes 38 units of core course work, electives, and participation in cutting-edge research in the laboratory of an SBB faculty member.
View a detailed overview of the curriculum.
Please see the Program in Structural Biology and Biochemistry website to learn about specific research areas and laboratories.
The Structural Biology and Biochemistry Program Plan varies from the BSBT-GENERAL Program curriculum. It has different pre-requirements and requires a separate application.
Recommended Prerequisites:
BSBT-SBB only admits for the fall semester.
The application will open September 1 and close March 15. All materials must be received by March 15
For more information, contact the program at BSBT.Program@cuanschutz.edu.