Applying, interviewing, and negotiating for your next position.


You know what you want to do. You have the experience. Let's find the opportunity and put it all together.



Now that you know what you want to do, it's all about finding the places where you can do it. 

Explore Job Databases

There are any number of online search engines to find open positions. Here are just a few that we like:

  • Handshake | Handshake features jobs posted specifically for YOU as a learner at CU Anschutz
  • | If it's a job in academia, you'll find it on HigherEd Jobs
  • | Indeed is all jobs, all the time. Find positions, company reviews, and salary info
  • | You're already using LinkedIn for networking and informational interviewing, why not check out their jobs while you're there?
  • | USA JOBS features positions in the US government and provides information on the application process for federal positions

Set Up Job Alerts

LinkedIn and other job platforms (e.g., Indeed) allow you to set up job alerts. Now that you have some titles, think about where you want to do those jobs and let LinkedIn do some work for you. Set a job alert for the titles, companies, and locations you want and receive notification anytime positions are posted that meet those criteria.

Set Preferences on LinkedIn

Leverage Your Connections

Now is when you get to reap the benefits of having built your network. Remember those helpful informational interviewees? Let them know you're ready to move forward. Talk to alumni who are at companies that interest you. You also can work with recruiters to increase your chances of finding positions. You don't need to do this alone, so let people know you're ready to go on the job market. Check the Events Calendar for our next networking workshop.

Events Calendar


You've found the job. Time to shine.

Tell Your Story

Attend a CV/Resume Workshop to fine tune your application materials and learn how to tailor the components based on the job. You can find materials and resources for crafting your documents here. The NIH has some great tips for CVs, resumes, and cover letters. Check out the Events Calendar for the next live session or watch the recorded workshop anytime. Looking for guidance on how to create an NIH Biosketch? Go to the source - the NIH has instructions, examples, and more.

View the Presentation

Prepare for the Interview

If you've been invited for an interview, the company already has some confidence you can do the job. Now it's about building on that and helping them see you as a member of their team. Be prepared for behavioral interview questions as well as technical questions. Remember your StrengthsFinder talents and weave those into a description of how you do you work, not just what you do. And, whenever possible, give them a specific example. Want to talk it through? Schedule an interview prep session.

Learn More

It's OK to Ask

Negotiating is hard. The good news is that there are concrete strategies you can learn to make it easier. Focus on the whole package and why you are asking for what you are. Do your homework - there are many books on negotiating like, "Getting to Yes" and websites like Payscale offer guides to negotiating, researching salaries, and conducting cost of living calculations. After you know your expectations are grounded in facts, talk with your professional network and get some insider advice and perspective. And, you can always get some feedback on your negotiating from the CDO.

Get Some Feedback

Schedule an Individual Coaching Session

Want specific feedback on your cover letter, research and teaching statements, CV or resume? Need to practice your interview skills? Looking for another perspective on how good that package really is? Schedule a meeting to chat one-on-one about tackling the next step.

Make An Appointment


Did you get the job? Congratulations! You didn't get the job? Not to worry. Learn from the experience, adapt, and try again. Go back to Step 2 to learn how to better strategize.

Career Development Office

CU Anschutz

Fitzsimons Building

13001 East 17th Place


Aurora, CO 80045


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