Forms Library

Equipment FormsDescription
Tag Confirmation

Tag Confirmation Form: The form the Responsible Person will complete and return to Financial Services for all Capital Equipment and Government Property. The form also contains a section for the receipt and acknowledgement of Government Property.

Home Usage of EquipmentThe form that must be completed and return to the Organizational Fiscal Manager when requesting Capital Equipment or Government Property be stored at a private residence.
Internal Transfer of EquipmentVarious forms used to account for capital equipment (cost > $5,000)
Capital Equipment - DISPOSAL REQUESTThe form that must be completed and approved before University Capital Equipment may be disposed of.
Loan of EquipmentThe form that must be completed and approved before University Capital Equipment may be loaned to a third party entity.
Trade-in of EquipmentThe form employees must submit and receive approval before trading-in a piece of Capital Equipment or Government Property.
Transfers TO Another EntityThe form for transfers of Capital Equipment, non-capital equipment, and/or monies to a new University.
Transfers FROM Another EntityThe form for transfers of Capital Equipment, non-capital equipment, and/or monies from another University.


Finance System FormsDescription
Access Request (Finance, HCM, CIW, etc.) 
Batch Header FormSubmit multiple INs
Cash ReceiptCover sheet for deposits
Cost Allocation SurveyProvide cost allocation info
Chartfield Request FormRequest a new or revised speedtype
Gift-In-Kind Acceptance FormTo request acceptance of non-monetary gift from donor
Interdepartmental Invoice (IN)Record interdepartmental transactions or request JE
Inter-Unit Contractual Agreement (IUCA)
Moving Expense ReimbursementRequest reimbursement of moving expenses
Moving Unavailable Receipt FormDocument a missing receipt for moving reimbursement
My Speedtype - ProgramsDigitally track your programs (MS-Excel required to use this form)
My Speedtype - Projects - CU DenverDigitally track your sponsored projects (MS-Excel required to use this form)
My Speedtypes - Projects - CU Anschutz 
Payment Voucher / AuthorizationRequest payment through Procurement
Petty Cash / Change Fund RequestRequest authorization to establish a petty cash fund
Procurement Service Center Forms 
Recognition ReportingReport recognition awards to employees, study subjects, and other participants
Separation Pay Calculation - Classified StaffCalculate unused and vacation leave for classified staff
Separation Pay Calculation - University Staff/Officers/12-month facultyCalculate unused and vacation leave for exempt employees
Separation Pay Request (email HR)Request payment of unused sick and annual leave
UBIT Questionnaire FormDetermine unrelated business income tax status

Finance Office

CU Anschutz

Fitzsimons Building

13001 East 17th Place

Suite W1126

Aurora, CO 80045


CU Denver

Lawrence Street Center

1380 Lawrence Street

Suite 900

Denver, CO 80204


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