
Document Submission Options


This is the fastest and most secure method for submitting student records documents.
Acceptable file formats for document uploads include: pdf, xdp, pst, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, txt, rtf, jpg, jpeg, png, tiff, and tif.

For questions or to let us know that you have submitted documents, please contact

Postal Mail

We accept paper forms through the mail. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, staff members are working remotely, and mail retrieval may be delayed. Please use the Secure Document Upload instead.

Mailing Address:

Registrar’s Office
CU Anschutz Medical Campus
Student Services Suite, 3rd Floor
13120 E. 19th Avenue, Box A054
Aurora, CO 80045

Student Records Forms

Below are the Student Records forms that you may need to complete your request. They are PDF forms. Please print and fill out the form you need, scan it and upload it through the Secure Document Upload.

For questions or to let us know that you have submitted documents, please contact

Chrome users: There is a known issue printing PDF files in Chrome. You may see fields duplicated in Print Preview and on the printed document. Go to chrome://plugins/ and disable the Chrome PDF Viewer. Or, use another browser, such as Firefox or Internet Explorer to fill out and print the PDF forms that are listed below.

Registration and Schedule Adjustment Forms

Tuition and Funding Forms

Office of the Registrar

CU Anschutz

Education II North

13120 East 19th Avenue


Aurora, CO 80045


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