University Calendar Support

The University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus calendar is the university's central, comprehensive events calendar. The calendar informs and connects the campus community with the wide array of events offered at CU Anschutz. If you have questions regarding the calendar, contact us at

Event Submission Requirements 

Events may be submitted for consideration for the calendar by members of the CU Anschutz community (students, faculty and staff) through the calendar's event submission form. Event Admins are instructed to submit events through their Administration Dashboard.

An account is required to login and submit events to the calendar. No account is needed to view events on the calendar.

  • Use the Calendar Submission Form
    Events must be submitted through the calendar's online event submission form. Event Admins are instructed to submit events through their Administration Dashboard.
  • Be an Approved University Entity
    Events should be organized and/or sponsored by a CU Anschutz entity (school, department, program, office, center or institute).
  • Have an Approved Room Reservation
    Prior to submitting an in-person event to the calendar, the event organizer/sponsor​ must have completed an approved room reservation through the EMS room reservation system and ensure that the dates and times associated with the event are correct. An event published to the calendar does not reserve the location. 
  • Provide Complete Event Information
    Although only Event Name, Description and Start Date are required fields, event listings should also include Time, Location, a complete and thorough description that includes sponsor/host and contact information, and a high-quality image (940x557px is ideal). Note that event flyers or images containing text do not comply with federal website accessibility requirements and will not be accepted. A website link for additional information is encouraged, as are filters that allow your event to be categorized. Only event information that is finalized and ready for public viewing will be published to the calendar.
  • Apply a Department to route the submission to the proper approving official. The Department identifies the hosting unit.
  • Test All Links
    Verify that they direct users to the proper sites.
  • Protect Virtual Events from Zoombombing
    Utilize the Waiting Room feature or require preregistration to prevent disruption from unwanted participants.
  • Meet Calendar Submission Deadlines
    Event submissions should be submitted at 5-7 business days before the event to be included in the calendar. However, event organizers are encouraged to submit their events to the calendar as far in advance as possible to allow adequate time for event promotion.
  • Events submitted not using a or hospital affiliate email account.
  • Events that lack required information and don't properly identify the hosting unit by applying the appropriate Department.
  • Events that lack appropriate sponsorship by a CU Anschutz entity or lack a clear connection to the university.
  • Events that lack the approval of an appropriate university entity.
  • Events found not to have an approved room reservation.
  • Events submitted less than five business days before the event date.
  • Classes, department meetings, student organization meetings, and save the dates will not be displayed on the calendar.

Event submissions that are assigned a Department will be routed to the designated Event Admin (usually the unit's communicator or event coordinator) for review. The approval process can take up to two business days. Submissions may be accepted as is, sent back to the user for editing, or denied. CU Anschutz reserves the right to delete and/or edit event listings if they do not meet appropriate criteria, including language that doesn't meet community standards, university policies and procedures, or violates local, state or federal law.

University Events

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