What is the CWC Survey?
Here at CU Anschutz, we are committed to creating an inclusive environment where all members of our community feel a sense of belonging, respect, support and value. Through the Campus and Workplace Culture (CWC) Survey, our goal is to gather information from our students, trainees, faculty and staff that will help us understand our campus culture. With your insights, we are working to create and sustain a just, equitable and inclusive culture for all.
The Campus and Workplace Culture (CWC) Survey originated in 2021 as a CU systemwide initiative to gather information from students, trainees, faculty and staff about campus culture. The effort continued at the CU Anschutz Medical Campus in fall 2024* with a CWC “Pulse” Survey to gauge progress, measure against existing goals and guide Health Equity related work going forward.
The survey effort continues, led by the Office of Access and Engagement and the Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness.
*Faculty and residents in the CU School of Medicine were not surveyed as part of the 2024 CWC Pulse Survey effort, as these groups had recently taken part in a complementary survey effort. Responses from the School of Medicine survey are being used in combination with CWC Pulse Survey results to drive action planning campus-wide.
Questions? Contact us at cwcsurvey@cuanschutz.edu.