Manager Certification Program

Launched in 2020, the Manager Certification Program empowers aspiring and existing supervisors/managers with a curriculum designed to hone essential skills and knowledge.

Explore this page for all the details you need, including an overview of the program, FAQs, and clear nomination requirements.

Build your toolkit and accelerate your leadership growth!

Manager Certification Program Overview

Research shows that leadership potential is developed three distinct ways:

  • on-the-job (OJT) work experience (55%),
  • coaching/mentoring from the person’s supervisor and/or other key individuals (35%), and
  • formal classroom/virtual training (10%).

A good manager must be able to handle a variety of situations. This program includes a core curriculum and a set of elective courses range in competencies and topics that will help a manager navigate these situations. These courses are offered on a variety of platforms from attending in-person instructor-led courses to online such as through our Learning Management System, Zoom, and Canvas.

Leading others requires individuals to acquire and grow a new set of skills and abilities. The courses in this program have been chosen to provide leads, supervisors, managers, and individuals looking to move into one of these roles with foundational tools to help them be successful.

Video Transcript: Manager Certification Program Intro (PDF)

Show Off Your Achievement!

Graduates of the Manager Certification Program are eligible to receive an Anschutz Medical Campus program specific Credly badge.

This badge can be included in things like your LinkedIn profile and your email signature line. The badge provides the following information:

  • Brief description of learner outcomes at the end of the program
  • Top 6-10 skills/competencies acquired during the program
  • Program completion criteria for earning the badge
Circle, gold and black HR Learning and Development Manager Certification badge.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss how we can further customize this program for your department, please feel free to reach out to the Learning and Development team at

Self-Paced Track

icons of a laptop with a certificate on the screen

The self-paced Manager Certification Program is designed to empower aspiring and existing supervisors and managers with a flexible online curriculum designed to hone essential skills and knowledge.

The self-paced option for this program takes approximately 12-14 months to complete.

You can monitor your own progress through a set of core programs consisting of 3 or more electives.

Cohort Track

Icons of two people holding a certificate

The Manager Certification Program Cohort Track offers a unique 8-month in-person experience designed to propel aspiring and existing managers to new heights. Gain foundational skills and knowledge alongside a supportive cohort, fostering collaboration and real-time learning.

Learn and collaborate with a cohort 1 day per month on campus.


Chalkboard style illustration. Words Educational Toolbox Series. Iconography of pencils, pens, notebooks, paper, paperclips, a ruler, and a few arrows connecting the objects.
Women in Leadership showing four diverse women holding hands and climbing an incline.


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