Danielle Chaet, BA, MS

Operations Manager Danielle Chaet

​email:     Danielle.Chaet@cuanschutz.edu
phone:    (303) 724-3994
office:     Fulginiti Pavilion - Room 201

Danielle Chaet joined the Center for Bioethics and Humanities in February 2022 as the Program Coordinator.
In this role she supports the efforts of the Center Director and other faculty while handling the daily
operations of the Center by managing finances, human resources, and scheduling. She also provides
policy expertise where needed.  

Danielle came to CBH with extensive experience in the areas of bioethics and logistics. In 2005,
she graduated in from the University of Wisconsin Madison with a BA in Legal Studies and a
concentration in bioethics, and in 2009 she received her joint MS degree in clinical ethics and
bioethics from Mount Sinai Icahn School of Medicine and Union College, respectively. Reflecting
her interests in bioethics and applied processes, her thesis looked at the language used in the
Illinois Statutory Short Form (advance directive) and explored the differences between patients’
understanding of that language and clinical meaning.

Prior to joining CBH she was at the American Medical Association for over a decade, drafting medical ethics policy and working to improve the House of Delegates reference committee and resolution processes. She is excited to continue her “dual career” in logistics and bioethics at CBH as the Center expands and grows. 

Her interests include painting, reading, decorative planning and promoting therapeutic creativity.

Center for Bioethics and Humanities

CU Anschutz

Fulginiti Pavilion for Bioethics and Humanites

13080 East 19th Avenue

Administrative Office Room 201

Aurora, CO 80045


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