People sitting on sculptures on campus

Arts and Humanities in Healthcare Program

Our Mission, Our Vision, Our Work

​The Arts and Humanities in Healthcare Program in the Center for Bioethics and Humanities is an intellectual space, cultural site and accessible resource for the campus; for our colleagues regionally, nationally and internationally; and for the local community.

As a place to exchange ideas, inspire collaboration, foster compassion, fuel imagination, and transcend boundaries, the program realizes the universal appeal of the arts and humanities and their power to connect student and teacher, patient and professional, citizen and artist, benefactor and institution.

OUR MISSION is to serve scholars, teachers, clinicians, artists, students, patients and their families by providing a unique facility and a comprehensive network in order to develop and integrate transformational learning, groundbreaking scholarship, and exceptional artwork within the environments of healthcare education, research and practice.

OUR VISION is the cultivation of human values, the celebration of human imagination, and the creation of healthy communities through excellence in humanities education and scholarship and arts production and presentation. 

OUR WORK: Education, Scholarship and Community Outreach

The program focuses on the relevant, rigorous integration of the arts and humanities in both required and elective curricula for all schools and allied programs at Anschutz Medical Campus, and it serves as a resource for faculty and students across the University of Colorado.

The program aspires to be a laboratory for research on how the arts and humanities enhance critical thinking, observation and communication skills, and self-reflection in health professions education and practice and to serve as a standpoint from which to examine the culture of healthcare.  

Community Outreach
The program realizes the universal appeal of the arts and humanities and their power to connect students and teachers, patients and professionals, citizens and artists by offering lecture and film series, literary publications, art exhibits, storytelling projects, and theatrical and musical performances.

Recovering Secrets:
The Art of Jeffrey Kent
Multimedia painting by artist Jeffrey Kent
November 21, 2024 - June 26, 2025
in the Fulginiti gallery

Center for Bioethics and Humanities

CU Anschutz

Fulginiti Pavilion for Bioethics and Humanites

13080 East 19th Avenue

Administrative Office Room 201

Aurora, CO 80045


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