The Art Gallery at the Fulginiti Pavilion for Bioethics and Humanities
University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus

The exceptional collection of Morton and Tobia Mower, now residents of Denver, Colorado, began as a financial investment but quickly became a life-long passion, which the Mowers delight in sharing with others who enjoy and appreciate fine art.  

This exhibit includes the paintings of Impressionist masters such as Claude Monet, Mary Cassatt, Pierre-August Renoir, Berthe Morisot, Camille Pissarro, and Alfred Sisley as well as drawings by Edgar Degas and Henri Matisse.  Also on display are more modern works from artists such as Chaim Soutine, Fernand Leger, Marc Chagall and Pablo Picasso.  The exhibit includes selected bronze sculptures from their collection of Rodin.

This exhibit will permanently close at 5:00pm on Tuesday, May 23rd.

View the exhibit catalog​

"What started with a defibrillator has somehow ended up as a must-see art display in Aurora,"
by Ray Mark Rinaldi in the Denver Post.

Kyle Clark of 9NEWS highlights the Masterworks exhibit.   AndCBS4 features a story by Jim Benemann.

UC Health Today also featured an article about Masterworks.

The gallery is free and open to the public on Monday – Friday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
13080 E. 19th Ave.
Aurora, CO  80045
Donations can be made at the door, or online here​.  
For more information, please call (303) 724-3994

Banner image: Pierre-Auguste Renoir, The Young Mother (La jeune mere), 1898 oil on canvas, 22” x 18”


Photos from Opening Reception and other special events. 

Image taken on Sep 13, 2019, 15:13 by Katelynn Sweat

Center for Bioethics and Humanities

CU Anschutz

Fulginiti Pavilion for Bioethics and Humanites

13080 East 19th Avenue

Administrative Office Room 201

Aurora, CO 80045


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