Sarah Richter - Sensory Paradox:

An Artist's Experience with Multiple Sclerosis

Artist's Statement​
In this multi-media exhibition, I focus on describing the feelings and sensations associated with symptoms from my personal experience with this illness including: fatigue, vertigo, visual and auditory changes.  One of the compelling aspects of creating this work is the opportunity to communicate an existence that is very difficult to describe.  MS makes a world that is very real, but its symptoms are often invisible to others and challenging to translate.  My hope is to facilitate a dialogue of connection and understanding in relating to the experiences of those living with MS.     Sarah Richter

Curator's Statement
The artistic practices that provide the nourishing ground for Sarah Richter’s work are not derived from the language or systems of medical practice, and although the visual representation of illness has increased dramatically in recent years, it has rarely focused specifically on contemporary expressions of the experience of being ill.  The one possible exception that comes to mind is the enormous body of work created in response to the AIDS crisis of the 1980s and 1990s.  Sarah Richter’s art emerges both from her facility with contemporary art practice as well as from her personal encounter with illness – in this case Multiple Sclerosis.  Can we read Richter’s work as a subjective expression of suffering – or of resilience and hope?  What is distinctive about the visual expression of illness?  Do those expressions enable the artist – and the audience – to forget what disease negates?  Are there ethical issues that are potentially associated with exhibiting expressive portrayals of illness?  Does the gallery context mute and aestheticize the experience of suffering?  If so, what are the contexts in which this work should be seen and experienced?     Simon Zalkind

Gallery Hours: Monday-Friday from 9:00am- 5:00pm.
Free & open to the public.

Listen to the Colorado Public Radio interview with Sarah Richter, about "The Beauty of Having MS".

Watch a video of a conversation between Artist Sarah Richter and Curator Simon Zalkind, with introductory remarks by Matthew Wynia, MD, Director of the Center for Bioethics and Humanities and Patricia Daily from the Rocky Mountain MS Center​.

 Click to View the Exhibition Brochure​

Sensory Paradox is proudly supported by the Rocky Mountain MS Center, a patient and family-centered local nonprofit organization that provides a comprehensive and integrated wellness approach to MS, life-changing support services and cutting-edge research.  Learn more>>

This exhibit was made possible with the support of Teva Pharmaceuticals, a manufacturer of specialty and generic pharmaceuticals. Teva provides both new and innovative therapies and greater access to affordable medicines.

Sensory Paradox runs through March 3, 2016.

Fulginiti Pavilion for Bioethics and Humanities   13080 E. 19th Ave., Aurora, CO  80045


Photos from Opening Reception on December 10, 2015
Image taken on Sep 12, 2019, 13:56 by Katelynn Sweat

Center for Bioethics and Humanities

CU Anschutz

Fulginiti Pavilion for Bioethics and Humanites

13080 East 19th Avenue

Administrative Office Room 201

Aurora, CO 80045


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