• Legacies of the Holocaust in Health Care

    Jan 4, 2021
    AMA JOURNAL OF ETHICS: This month's Journal is dedicated entirely to contemporary lessons to be learned from health professional involvement in the Holocaust. From abortion to xeno-transplantation, deliberation on almost every ethics topic in health care today—genetics, informed consent, public health, military and civilian health policy and practice, death and dying, human subjects research, and refugee care—is influenced by Nazi medical crimes. Matthew Wynia and Tessa Chelouche were co-editors and there are multiple articles featuring faculty and associates of the Center.
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  • Study: College football players underestimate risk of concussion

    Dec 29, 2020
    ATLANTA JOURNAL CONSTITUTION: Christine Baugh, PhD, MPH, and her co-authors surveyed 296 college football players from four teams in the Power 5 Conferences of the NCAA. They concluded, “That athletes underestimated their risk of concussion and injury in this study raises important ethical considerations. What is the threshold for college athletes to be sufficiently informed of the risks and benefits of football to make decisions that align with their values and preferences?”
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  • How my mom saved my life after doctors missed my brain bleed

    Dec 18, 2020
    PBS/WHYY-The Pulse: My mom saved my life that day. But what if she hadn’t been there? What if they didn’t catch it at all? I could’ve ended up permanently disabled. Or worse — I could have died. How come everybody but my mom dismissed my symptoms? Center Director Matthew Wynia finds 22-year old Mimi Hayes quite inspiring - stroke survivor, comedian and now a budding journalist. She called to talk about medical errors and ethics...
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  • Food Industry-Backed Research Gives Results Funders Want, New Analysis Shows

    Dec 16, 2020
    SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN: A recent study by public health scientists at Deakin University in Australia, found that more than half of 1,461 studies yielded outcomes favorable to company products compared to less than 10 percent lacking such support. Commenting on the recent analysis, Lisa Bero, PhD, contends that industry may skew research in ways peer review cannot catch. She cites four key approaches industry uses to manipulate research: by influencing what research questions are asked, how studies are designed, how conclusions interpret data and whether unfavorable findings ever get published.
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  • Methods to Track Health Care Worker Deaths, Burnout from COVID-19 Examined in New Rapid Response to Government

    Dec 10, 2020
    NATIONAL ACADEMY OF MEDICINE: Months into the pandemic, there’s no reliable estimate of health care worker deaths due to COVID-19. A new rapid expert consultation, co-authored by Center Director Matthew Wynia, MD, MPH, proposes methods to track deaths from occupational exposure to the virus, and deaths by suicide. It also outlines strategies to support the physical safety and mental well-being of health care workers
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  • Free the Separated Children. Vote Out Donald Trump | Opinion

    Dec 14, 2020
    NEWSWEEK: Over the past four years, only a small handful of private citizens have been granted access to US government facilities to interview children and their families arriving in the United States and check if their conditions are safe, sanitary and appropriate. CBH faculty Warren Binford, JD, EdM and attorney Hope Frye were two of those citizens. In trips to over a dozen facilities and interviews with over 100 children and their families, they exposed hunger, filth, coldness, illness and shame these children have endured at the hands of the U.S. government.
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  • “Our Laws Have Not Caught up with the Technology”: Understanding Challenges and Facilitators in Investigating and Prosecuting Child Sexual Abuse Materials in the United States

    Nov 26, 2020
    LAWS: The creation and distribution of child sexual abuse material (CSAM) has become one of the fastest growing illicit online industries in the United States. Warren Binford, JD, EdM and co-authors conducted interviews and focus groups with law enforcement agencies and legal representatives throughout the western United States, to understand challenges and complexities of investigating and prosecuting cases of CSAM, and as a foundation to develop best practices in this area.
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  • Understanding professional stakeholders’ active resistance to guideline implementation: The case of Canadian breast screening guidelines

    Dec 14, 2020
    SOCIAL SCIENCE AND MEDICINE: When health recommendations significantly differ from, or threaten the interests, values and preferred practices of end-users, organized and often very public resistance to guideline implementation may result. Lisa Bero, PhD and co-authors explore why professional stakeholders form active resistances to the implementation of some clinical guidelines, and how professional values, perspectives, interests and/or experiences influence the stakeholders’ stance. The authors suggest strategies to mitigate and resolve these issues, including understanding resistance as a political strategy, increasing transparency of public input and coalition building as a part of the public response to active resistance
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  • Crisis Triage—Attention to Values in Addition to Efficiency

    Dec 14, 2020
    JAMA: In an invited commentary, Center Director Matthew Wynia writes, "A ubiquitous aim for crisis triage protocols (but not always the only aim) has been to save the most lives with the resources available. Deliberative community engagement will therefore be required to determine how to weigh these principles in triage protocols."
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  • Association between conflicts of interest and favorable recommendations in clinical guidelines, advisory committee reports, opinion pieces, and narrative reviews: systematic review

    Dec 9, 2020
    BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL: Lisa Bero, PhD and co-authors found a fairly consistent association between financial conflicts of interest and recommendations that favor clinical interventions relevant to the conflict. They suggest that clinicians and healthcare decision makers avoid using opinion pieces with conflicted authors and primarily use clinical guidelines that are based on rigorous methodology and have clear policies of how to manage conflicts of interest, such as excluding or minimizing the role of members with conflicts and ensuring a broad skill set in the panel. A more detailed publication appears as a Cochrane Review.
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  • Trump and Friends Got Coronavirus Care Many Others Couldn’t

    Dec 9, 2020
    NEW YORK TIMES: Ben Carson, Chris Christie and Donald J. Trump all have gotten an antibody treatment in such short supply that Colorado is using a lottery system. CBH Director Dr. Matthew Wynia said that giving the powerful access was patently unfair. “That’s one of the reasons why we decided that we would allocate this only through the state and only through this random allocation process,” he said, “so that no one could get a leg up by virtue of their special connections.”
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  • Student Professionalism & Ethics Association in Dentistry recognized with "Best Fight Against COVID Award"

    Oct 25, 2020
    The Student Professionalism & Ethics Association in Dentistry (SPEA) recognized the University of Colorado School of Dental Medicine with it's 2020 Chapter Award for "Best Fight Against COVID."
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  • What the Chaos in Hospitals Is Doing to Doctors

    Dec 9, 2020
    THE ATLANTIC: A system of care that privileges only survival odds reinforces existing injustices. “Equity still matters,” even in a crisis situation, Center Director Matthew Wynia said. “Justice matters. Fairness still matters. You’re not just trying to optimize a number.”
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  • Limited vaccine distribution brings up bioethical questions

    Dec 7, 2020
    9NEWS: Center Director Matthew Wynia, MD, MPH discusses the emerging ethical issues around vaccine allocation in Colorado with 9News reporter Tom Green. View interview>>
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  • Jackie Glover, PhD elected as Hastings Center Fellow

    Dec 4, 2020
    Hastings Center Fellows are academic bioethicists, scholars from other disciplines, scientists, journalists, lawyers, novelists, artists or highly accomplished persons from other spheres. Their common distinguishing feature is uncommon insight and impact in areas of critical concern to the Center – how best to understand and manage the inevitable values questions, moral uncertainties and societal effects that arise as a consequence of advances in the life sciences, the need to improve health and health care for people of all ages, and mitigation of human impact on the natural world.
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  • COVID-19 Has Moved Bioethics From the Classroom Into Everyday Life

    Nov 24, 2020
    CU ANSCHUTZ 360 PODCAST: Matthew Wynia, MD, MPH reflects on what he’s learned over the course of the pandemic — moments of optimism and profound disappointment. “Back in February, we had a meeting…on public health preparedness for medical and public health disasters. And we all sort of assumed that there would be a whole of government approach and that the nation would pull together around this, just like we do in wartime. Just like we do after a tsunami, just like we do after a hurricane, we all pull together. And the fact that that hasn't happened is just tragic. It's just tragic.”
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  • Too close for comfort? Why contact tracing sidelined UCLA QB but not his roommate

    Nov 23, 2020
    LA TIMES: UCLA is not among the teams that have enhanced their contact tracing efforts through cellphone apps or wearable devices that track player movement. Christine Baugh, PhD, MPH, said electronic monitoring offers its own ethical dilemmas regarding privacy.
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  • Fighting for a (wide enough) seat at the table: weight stigma in law and policy

    Nov 9, 2020
    FAT STUDIES: Daniel Goldberg, JD, PhD collaborated with researchers from the UK, Iceland, and the US on this research article. The authors conclude, "As awareness of the inherent injustice and harmful nature of weight stigma reaches critical mass, the perceived political costs and obstacles may amend themselves toward legal reform."
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  • Bioethics in a Pandemic

    Oct 7, 2020
    BIOETHICS FOR THE PEOPLE PODCAST: Center Director Matthew Wynia, MD, MPH discussed a range of topics from equity issues to research prioritization and the intertwining of bioethics and humanities. "In the real world of medical practice, of public health practice, of research... the things where we see ethical issues arise; once you get to actual implementation of your careful ethical analysis, it's humanities work."
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  • Uncounted: San Diego County’s pandemic victims far surpass official totals

    Oct 21, 2020
    INEWSOURCE: Center Director Matthew Wynia said the official count kept by the public health office is important, but it “leads us to underestimate the total impact of certain types of disasters.” In September, Wynia and a team of researchers published a national report that Congress commissioned on how to measure a disaster’s death toll. “You can use that information to target resources to neighborhoods that are being very hard hit or other social groups that may be particularly hard hit. When we can figure out why people die, we can maybe intervene to prevent those deaths.”
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  • Showing 201 - 220 of 306 results
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