Matthew Wynia recognized as one of 11 doctors that are moving medicine forward.
American Medical Association
Jun 10, 2023
Dr. Wynia with Nancy Mueller, MD, FAAN, President of the AMA Foundation.
Center Director Matthew Wynia, MD, MPH, received the AMA Foundation Award for Leadership in Medical Ethics and Professionalism. Matt is one of 11 physicians to recieve an Excellence in Medicine Award at the AMA's June, 2023 meeting in Chicago, where he was recognized for his altruism, advocacy and professional skill, The award honors people dedicated to the principles of medical ethics and the highest standards of medical practice and who have made an outstanding contribution through active service in medical ethics activities.
Dr. Wynia also was named as co-chair, along with Niva Lubin-Johnson, MD, MPH, of a task force to guide organizational transformation within and beyond the AMA toward restorative justice to promote truth, reconciliation, and healing in medicine and medical education. Learn more>>