The public has never seen the US Government force-feed someone - Until Now
The Intercept
Nov 15, 2022
“If someone has capacity — they’re legally competent to make their own medical decisions — you cannot force-feed them,” said Matthew Wynia, MD, MPH, one of the expert reviewers of a research report by the ACLU and PHR titled Behind Closed Doors: Abuse and Retaliation Against Hunger Strikers in U.S. Immigration Detention, which spotlights ICE’s orders for involuntary and punitive treatment, including force-feeding, forced hydration, forced urinary catheterization, and other involuntary and invasive medical procedures. Wynia continues, "doctors do not have a place to use their skills and knowledge to be agents of the state for purposes of law enforcement, or for purposes of maintaining control of the prison population, or to try and break the hunger strike.”
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