Alert: The Plaza Building will remain closed through Jan. 20, 2025.

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What is an Illicit Discharge?

Illicit discharges are unauthorized discharges or dumping of liquid or solid waste into the environment. This includes spills or illegal dumping directly into a storm drain, water quality feature, creek, or river. Spills that should be reported include hazardous materials, large volumes of contaminants or contaminants that are life-threatening or harmful to the environment.


As the campus expands and renovates, construction projects create the potential for illicit discharges. Disturbances that are not contained, tracking dirt into streets and improper concrete and paint washout are all ways that construction activities can potentially contaminate our waterways. If you observe any of these things, please Report an Illicit Discharge.

Reporting Illicit Discharges

If you see something, say something! If you observe an illicit discharge, please report it using the form below. The Regulatory and Compliance Manager will investigate all reported incidents and take any necessary action to ensure that we are protecting our waters.

If you observe pollution concerns that you believe need attention, you may call Facilities Management Customer Service Center at 303-724-1777 or submit an Illicit Discharge Form below if you see illegal dumping. If you happen to take a picture of the discharge or vehicle that is dumping, please send it to after submitting the discharge.
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