Clinical Ethics


Arts and Humanities

Fly to Heal / Volar Para Sana

Mural by Juls Mendoza, on the west wall of the Fulginiti Pavilion


Holocaust Genocide and Contemporary Bioethics Program

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Brazilian Street Musicians

Race, History, and Health in Brazil  (HEHE 5910)
Study abroad 
this Winter Break in Salvador, Brazil
December 31, 2024 – January 12, 2025

This 10-day study abroad program aims to immerse students in the history, culture, and daily lives of Afro-Brazilians as they unpack the intricate intersections between racism and health. 
Its central goal is to foster a deeper comprehension of the rich Afro-Brazilian heritage and cultural tapestry, as well as its interplay with Salvador's contemporary health landscape. 

Through this lens you will gain invaluable insights into the pervasive impacts of racism on health and healing practices within Brazilian society.  Furthermore, this transformative experience will equip you with essential skills for personal and professional growth, including teamwork, cross-cultural communication, and structural humility.   

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Artificial Intelligence in the Provision of Health Care: An American College of Physicians Policy Position Paper

Annals of Internal Medicine

Examining ethical issues that arise in providing ED/hospital care for patients experiencing elder mistreatment and approaches to address them

Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect


The Price   2011

Raw Material: Quilts by NedRa Bonds

| All Day
As a textile artist, educator, and activist, NedRa Bonds creates quilts that explore issues dealing with women’s health and wellbeing, human rights and social justice, racism, and the environment. After being diagnosed with a rare and aggressive form of breast cancer in 2016, Bonds began working on projects that focus on the healing power of art.

AMC badged personnel:
Monday-Friday 9:00am-5:00pm
Open to the public:
Monday-Friday 11:30am-5:00pm
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JAM Sesh June 2024 flyer

Jam Session at the Fulginiti

| 05:00 PM - 07:30 PM
Join us for our last jam session of the school year. Come ready to perform, shake some eggs, or just show up to unwind and listen to some live music after class. A piano will be there for your use; otherwise bring your own instruments and bring your friends. Food will also be provided! RSVP
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Justina Ford and car

7,000 Babies: The Legacy of Justina Ford, MD

| All Day
Dr. Justina Ford (1871-1952) was the first Black female physician licensed to practice medicine in the state of Colorado. Denied membership in Colorado Medical Society and privileges at Denver General Hospital because she was both Black and female, Dr. Ford instead treated patients out of her Five Points home. She cared for her patients no matter who they were with an attentive heart, skilled hands, and a mothering mind. Imbued with an indefatigable work ethic, Dr. Ford delivered over 7,000 babies during her fifty year career as a doctor.

AMC badged personnel:
Monday-Friday 9:00am-5:00pm
Open to the public:
Monday-Friday 11:30am-5:00pm
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