• Ajay Kumar, an Indian asylum seeker, was force fed in 2019 while on hunger strike in the El Paso Service Processing Center in Texas

    The public has never seen the US Government force-feed someone - Until Now

    Nov 15, 2022
    THE INTERCEPT: “If someone has capacity — they’re legally competent to make their own medical decisions — you cannot force-feed them,” said Matthew Wynia, MD, MPH, one of the expert reviewers of a research report by the ACLU and PHR titled Behind Closed Doors: Abuse and Retaliation Against Hunger Strikers in U.S. Immigration Detention, which spotlights ICE’s orders for involuntary and punitive treatment, including force-feeding, forced hydration, forced urinary catheterization, and other involuntary and invasive medical procedures. Wynia continues, "doctors do not have a place to use their skills and knowledge to be agents of the state for purposes of law enforcement, or for purposes of maintaining control of the prison population, or to try and break the hunger strike.”
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  • health-affairs-forefront-covid-19-pharmaceuticals-hamer JPG

    To Start Rebuilding The COVID-19 Safety Net, Amend The 340B Drug Discount Program

    Nov 14, 2022
    HEALTHAFFAIRS FOREFRONT Mika Hamer, PhD, MPH and co-authors published a commentary about policy tools for securing long-term access to outpatient treatment for COVID-19 among uninsured and underinsured populations. They note the COVID-19 safety net was rapidly woven in the wake of a frightening worldwide pandemic. As time has passed, this safety net is unraveling. It is time to start putting it back together for an enduring effect.
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  • Decamp and Chopra

    Matthew DeCamp recognized with 2022 Rising Star Award

    Nov 3, 2022
    The Department of Medicine Rising Star Award recognizes outstanding early-career faculty members who exemplify the department’s core values of excellence in patient care, research, education and community service. The 2022 Rising Star awardees are: Maheen Z. Abidi, MD, FAST, Division of Infectious Diseases, Kimberley D. Bruce, PhD, Division of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Diabetes, Matthew DeCamp, MD, PhD, Division of General Internal Medicine and Center for Bioethics and Humanities, and Joseph Alan Hippensteel, MD, MS, Division of Pulmonary Sciences and Critical Care Medicine.
    Congratulations Dr. DeCamp!!
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  • Pete and Marilyn Coors El Pomar Award 2022

    El Pomar Foundation recognizes Pete and Marilyn Coors

    Nov 5, 2022
    The El Pomar Foundation recently recognized Pete Coors, chairman of the Molson Coors Beverage Company, and Marilyn Coors, PhD, associate professor emerita at the Center for Bioethics and Humanities, with the 2022 Ben S. Wendelken Trustee Award.
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  • surgeons

    AMA Code of Medical Ethics’ Opinions Related to Health Care Waste

    Oct 3, 2022
    AMA JOURNAL OF ETHICS: In the discussion of waste and the health care system, co-authored Danielle Chaet, MSB, material waste (such as infectious waste, sharps, and general waste) is only one part of the ethical issue; the other part is the waste of health care resources. Currently, an estimated 25% of annual spending in the US health care industry is wasted. Physicians therefore ought to act collectively to advocate for reforms to the administrative and pricing structures of the health care industry so as to reduce this waste, ameliorate financial obstacles, and responsibly steward scarce resources in a way that best serves patient needs
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  • Dobbs Supreme Court protestors

    Professional Civil Disobedience: Medical-Society Responsibilities after Dobbs

    Aug 24, 2022
    NEJM PERSPECTIVE: What should medical professionals do when a law requires them to harm a patient? Center Director Matthew Wynia, MD, PhD, believes this question has become a pressing one as physicians grapple with the implications of state laws banning abortion. A thoughtful debate over whether and how to embark on a path of professional civil disobedience will take time and commitment. Physicians will need to bring specific proposals to their professional associations for ways to assist members who disobey unjust laws, including providing legal, financial, and social support. But I believe now is the time for these conversations to begin.
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  • Lab techs

    Fake research can be harmful to your health – a new study offers a tool for rooting it out

    Aug 18, 2022
    THE CONVERSATION: How do you know when a research study is reliable and evidence-based? And how can you tell the difference between shoddy research findings and those that have merit? Unreliable scientific studies can be hard to spot – whether by reviewers or the general public – but by asking the right questions, it can be done. Lisa Bero, PhD, has been studying bias in the design, conduct and publication of scientific research for 30 years, and has developed ways to prevent and detect research integrity problems so the best possible evidence can be synthesized and used for decisions about health.

    Bero and colleagues recently published, Experts identified warning signs of fraudulent research: a qualitative study to inform a screening tool, in the Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, which found that it’s possible for researchers who review and synthesize evidence to create a checklist of warning signs, and use these warning signs to create a screening tool – a set of questions to ask about how a study is done and reported – that provides clues about whether a study is real or not.
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  • Shoppers with and without masks stroll in L.A.'s Santee Alley in July

    The CDC loosened its COVID rules. Who fills in this public health vacuum?

    Aug 17, 2022
    LA TIMES: In this editorial, Wendy Netter Epstein, JD and Daniel Goldberg, JD, PhD state the the lack of a coordinated public health response deprioritizes community health and worsens longstanding health disparities. The CDC has issued tentative and confusing recommendations, leaving critical decisions to local communities and forcing individuals to turn to their healthcare providers. With school starting across the country, public health officials should set clear rules that guard public health as a goal bigger than any one person’s individual risk. And communities should come together to support them.
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  • Families, Systems, and Health_cover

    Dismantling structural addiction stigma in law: Policies for systematic change

    Jun 17, 2022
    FAMILIES, SYSTEMS, & HEALTH: In this editorial, authors Sarah Hemeida and Daniel Goldberg assert stigma is an under-recognized health malady that is both rampant for vulnerable communities and difficult to measure for researchers. Stigma has enormous and compounding negative health impacts, associated with lower education levels, employment and income, and poorer control of chronic conditions and illness. Stigmatizing laws against individuals with addiction have a powerful role in downstream health, including opportunities for employment, access to health insurance, self-stereotyping, and reduced willingness to access recovery resources.

    In addition to traditional interventions such as peer supports, addiction counselors, and community-based rehabilitation programs, the legal determinants of health contributing to structural stigma against substance use disorder need to be addressed and corrected.
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  • Demonstrators gather at Texas State Capitol to speak against transgender-related legislation in May_2021

    Politics, not doctors, place transgender children at risk

    Jun 2, 2022
    DENVER POST: Gender-affirming care is not child abuse say experts Warren Binford, JD, Ed.M and Mary Kelly Persyn, JD. At a time when political divisions and partisanship threaten to upend society, it is more important than ever to ensure that social policies are informed by research and evidence, not misinformation and hysteria, especially when it comes to children in their formative years. When transgender youth do not receive affirming love and care, they suffer. According to a survey just released by The Trevor Project, 94% of LGBTQ youth reported in 2022 that current political attacks were taking a toll on their mental health.
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  • Tess Jones Presidents Teaching Award 5_2022

    Professor Tess Jones - Recipient of the 2022 President’s Excellence in Teaching Award

    May 27, 2022
    CU SCHOOL OF MEDICINE: Congratulations to our own Dr. Tess Jones for her selection by graduating medical students as the recipient of the President’s Excellence in Teaching Award. This is a remarkable and incredibly exclusive honor; to be selected by graduating students as the single most excellent teacher they’ve had during all of medical school is a tremendous demonstration of Tess's knowledge, skill, passion and energy. She serves as an inspiration to us all!
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  • Christine Baugh

    Q&A with Dr. Christine Baugh, the 2022 NIH Office of Disease Prevention Early-Stage Investigator Lecture Awardee

    Apr 22, 2022
    NIH Director David Murray asked Christine Baugh, PhD, MPH, four questions before her May 11th talk, Preventing Sport-Related Brain Injury Using a Public Health Prevention Framework.
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  • Laptop

    Do digital distractions justify law professors' prohibitions on laptops?

    Apr 19, 2022
    ABA JOURNAL: “During the pandemic, we had to use laptops to connect. But in a physical classroom, they tend not to be a bridge but actually a barrier to the transfer of knowledge and understanding,” says Warren Binford, JD, Ed.M. In her classes, she had a three-strikes policy for being caught looking at something that wasn’t related to class, and the penalty was failing her class. “I’ve never had to fail a student, but I have given two warnings. That’s not really the role I want to be in, walking through different rows making sure no one is buying shoes.”
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  • HHR logo

    Children Arriving in the United States Need Strong Safeguards

    Apr 19, 2022
    HEALTH AND HUMAN RIGHTS JOURNAL: Migration to the US has shifted significantly over the last few decades. Once primarily adult, usually male, and overwhelmingly from Mexico, the people crossing the southwestern US border are now often women travelling with children or on their own, unaccompanied children. The needs of migrant children have too often been overlooked—and at times callously disregarded. Children and families have been subjected to abusive conditions and other trauma. Warren Binford and Michael Garcia Bochenek suggest creation of a Federal Children's Ombuds Office to help fill the accountability gap, if it is given the authority to investigate violations of children’s rights by all federal agencies, including CBP, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and their contractors.
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  • Physician and Pt

    Three Main Barriers Hamper Weight Loss Surgery for Obese Teens

    Apr 14, 2022
    HEALTHDAY: In a survey of adolescent metabolic and bariatric surgery patients published on March 22 in Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases, Eric G. Campbell, PhD
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  • Nature-cover April, 2022

    A novel methodology to identify and survey physicians participating in medical aid-in-dying

    Apr 11, 2022
    NATURE: Eric G. Campbell, PhD, and co-authors used a novel methodology to identify and survey physicians at high likelihood of participating in MAiD activities. They achieved good overall response rates (55%), and a high proportion of respondents that participated in MAiD activities (52%), demonstrating that it is possible to overcome survey cost and anonymity barriers to conducting quantitative research on MAiD. This methodology could be used in larger scale studies of MAiD or other bioethical issues with “hidden” physician populations.
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  • MAiD death by location

    Number of patients who sought medication to end their lives under Colorado’s aid-in-dying law on the rise

    Mar 31, 2022
    COLORADO SUN: The number of Coloradans who received prescriptions to end their lives has increased each year since voters passed an aid-in-dying law in 2016, rising 18% in 2021 to 222 prescriptions obtained last year.

    In a recent survey of 300 Colorado physicians conducted by Eric G. Campbell, PhD, 80% of doctors said they were willing to discuss medical aid in dying, but not nearly as many were ready to do it or had actually done it, according to Campbell’s research. About 52% said they had discussed aid in dying with a patient. Among physicians who had prescribed medical aid in dying, 75% said it was “emotionally fulfilling and professionally rewarding.” Almost 47% described it as “ethically challenging.”
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  • Dr. Jeffrey Ho is among at least three doctors at the hospital who have worked side jobs in law enforcement

    Cop or doctor? In new policy, Hennepin Healthcare tells physicians to choose one job

    Apr 4, 2022
    MINNEAPOLIS STAR TRIBUNE: Dr. Jeffrey Ho is among at least three doctors at Hennepin Healthcare who have side jobs in law enforcement. Ho sees no conflict between his roles, "both doctors and police strive to save lives, he said. "It is my life's work to develop these areas of intersection for the benefit of public protection."

    This professional dynamic is unusual, said Eric Campbell, PhD, Director of Research at CBH. The dual allegiance poses a clear conflict of interest in areas of patient privacy and consent. "Police enforce laws," Campbell said. "Doctors, on the other hand, must prioritize the best interest of their patients over other things, which sometimes may include the law. The idea that one can equate doctors and law enforcement officers as being on the same team to quote, 'protect things,' that's a fallacy."
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  • Health Humanities Consortium logo

    Tess Jones recognized with 2022 Visionary Award

    Mar 28, 2022
    Congratulations to Tess Jones, PhD, Director of the Arts and Humanities in Healthcare Program, who was recognized by the Health Humanities Consortium, a national organization focused on transforming health and healthcare through the arts and humanities. The 2022 Visionary Award recognizes an individual who advances health humanities regionally, nationally and internationally via scholarship, presentations, appointed positions and more.
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  • Prisoner's Hands

    Injecting Asbestos: Prison Studies Revealed in J&J Talc Lawsuits

    Mar 15, 2022
    MEDSCAPE: Documents unsealed during recent talc lawsuits against Johnson & Johnson show that the company was involved in a study in which incarcerated, mostly Black men at Holmesburg Prison in Philadelphia, were paid to be injected with asbestos in order that the company could compare its effect on their skin with that of talc.
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  • Showing 61 - 80 of 302 results
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