• NYT logo

    Who Should Be Saved First? Experts Offer Ethical Guidance

    Mar 24, 2020
    NEW YORK TIMES: “It would be irresponsible at this point not to get ready to make tragic decisions about who lives and who dies,” said Dr. Matthew Wynia, Director of the Center for Bioethics and Humanities.
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  • Ventilators

    As coronavirus infections explode in the U.S., hospitals could be forced to make harrowing choices if pushed to the brink.

    Mar 24, 2020
    NEW YORK TIMES: CBH Director Matthew Wynia, MD, MPH is trying to ensure that patients on admission to Colorado hospitals are asked whether they would forgo a ventilator if there were not enough for everyone. “One thing everyone agrees on is that the most morally defensible way to decide would be to ask the patients.”
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  • Drive thru testing w

    Colorado has not yet implemented its crisis standards of care, but we're inching closer.

    Mar 24, 2020
    COLORADO SUN: “If we get hit that hard, we are going to have some very difficult decisions to make. It would be irresponsible not to plan right now for a huge surge of patients,” says CBH Director, Matthew Wynia, MD, MPH.
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  • AR 2020 block

    CBH 2019 Annual Report

    Mar 23, 2020
    Our fourth Annual Report highlights some of our Center’s most remarkable educational programs, community outreach events, research activities and clinical ethics initiatives. In these uncertain times, we hope the report will also provide an important opportunity to step back and celebrate the people and programs that have made the University of Colorado a national example of excellence in bioethics and health humanities!
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  • NPR 3_31_20 w

    U.S. Hospitals Prepare Guidelines For Who Gets Care

    Mar 21, 2001 by Bioethics and Humanities
    "Things have gone very, very badly in hospitals where they have run out of equipment, supplies, staff, space, people. We need to be prepared for that. Guidelines must be transparent so the public has faith that decisions are fair and ethically justifiable," says Center Director, Matthew Wynia, MD, MPH, in a March 21 interview on NPR.
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  • MAID

    The Complicated Science of a Medically Assisted Death

    Mar 18, 2020
    QUILLETTE: "One step to improving the science of assisted dying requires better and more standardized data collection," explains Dr. Matthew Wynia, Director of the Center for Bioethics and Humanities.
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  • kdvr still

    Medical students deploy across Colorado to help combat Coronavirus

    Mar 18, 2020 by Bioethics and Humanities
    KDVR NEWS: CU Medical students Halea Meese and Jake Fox are organizing hundreds of volunteer health professions students to screen hospital visitors, safeguard protective equipment and assist with hospital-centered phone calls.
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  • Matthew Wynia, MD, MPH

    The Increasing Impact Of Coronavirus; Medical Ethics & Treatment

    Mar 17, 2020 by Bioethics and Humanities
    Center Director Matthew Wynia, MD, MPH discusses the ethical issues around treatment during the Coronavirus pandemic. (This segment is found during the last 12 minutes of the program.)
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  • AMA JofEthics

    What criteria should be used during resource and medical worker scarcity?

    Mar 16, 2020 by Bioethics and Humanities
    AMA Editor-in-Chief Dr. Audiey Kao discusses the ethical challenges, including resource scarcity and medical worker obligations, that arise during pandemics with CBH Director, Matthew Wynia, MD, MPH.
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  • ICU

    Hospitals could be overwhelmed and run out of beds and ventilators

    Mar 11, 2020 by Bioethics and Humanities
    BUSINESS INSIDER: "The incentives of the healthcare system are antithetical to building and maintaining surge capacity," says Center Director Dr. Matthew Wynia. "Disaster shortages include staff, stuff and space. A limiting factor will also be people. You need people to run the ventilators."
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  • Penn State

    Penn got 258 million in foreign money, and there may be more it hadn’t disclosed.

    Feb 24, 2020 by Bioethics and Humanities
    PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER: If colleges and universities are accepting foreign money and gifts, their students, donors, and taxpayers deserve to know how much and from whom.
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  • Inside Sources

    Physicians’ Equity in Company Marketing Cosmetic Drug Faces Ethical Questions

    Feb 10, 2020 by Bioethics and Humanities
    INSIDE SOURCES: Ethical questions are being raised about a new aesthetic neurotoxin that is being prescribed by the same doctors who invested in its launch. CBH Director of Research, Eric Campbell, PhD, says this "creates a classic conflict of interest.”
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  • Health Affairs

    Knowledge Of Practicing Physicians About Their Legal Obligations When Caring For Patients With Disability

    Jan 27, 2020 by Bioethics and Humanities
    Eric G. Campbell and Julie Ressalam are co-authors, along with of "Knowledge Of Practicing Physicians About Their Legal Obligations When Caring For Patients With Disability," recognized as one of Health Affairs TOP TEN Articles of 2019. Federal civil rights laws not only prohibit discrimination against people with disabilities but also require reasonable accommodation to ensure equal access to services. Co-author Nicole Agaronnik interviewed physicians in Massachusetts and find that interviewees report a limited or incorrect understanding of their obligations to patients with disability in three potentially problematic areas: “deciding which accommodations their practices should implement, refusing patients with disability, and holding patients accountable for costs of accommodations.” These findings indicate that legal protections alone are insufficient for effectuating equal access to care.
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  • STAT_pain_stigma

    Pain doesn’t stigmatize people. We do that to each other

    Jan 23, 2020 by Bioethics and Humanities
    First Opinion in STAT News by Daniel S. Goldberg, JD, PhD. Millions of people who live with chronic pain experience intense stigma. Health care providers are a major source of it, but so are intimate partners, family caregivers, insurers, and policymakers. Stigma isolates people, causes suffering, and violates basic obligations to treat people fairly and with dignity. Accordingly, we should intervene to alleviate it.
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  • Maryam Guiahi

    Patients don't care about provider religious ties, expect all needed care

    Dec 27, 2019 by Bioethics and Humanities
    This study found only 6% of U.S. adults consider religious affiliation when selecting a health care facility, yet the majority (71%) believe their health choices should take precedence over an institution's religious beliefs.
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  • Flu vaccine

    CPR News Asks, Are Colorado Health Care Workers Getting Flu Vaccines?

    Jan 21, 2020 by Bioethics and Humanities
    New rules from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment require that 90 percent of workers be vaccinated for the flu.
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  • The Oncologist

    Patient survey published in The Oncologist

    Nov 18, 2019 by Bioethics and Humanities
    "Patient Preferences for Use of Archived Biospecimens from Oncology Trials when Adequacy of Informed Consent is Unclear," concludes that the majority of patients support translational research and expect that any biospecimens they donate will be used to advance knowledge.
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  • Blood Pressure Monitor

    An Election, A Lawsuit And A Moratorium

    Sep 11, 2019 by Bioethics and Humanities
    Colorado's End of Life Options Act is unique from other states: the law prohibits health care facilities from punishing doctors who choose to, or choose not to, provide this care to patients.
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  • Man and Woman Talking

    AI meets offers real-world benefits to healthcare

    Sep 3, 2019 by Bioethics and Humanities
    Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning in Biomedical Research was the topic of a recent CCTSI Summit which drew over 150 researchers, clinicians and students from all three CU campuses and CSU.
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  • Tess Jones PhD

    Five questions for Tess Jones

    Aug 8, 2019 by Bioethics and Humanities
    Tess Jones, PhD is featured in the CU Connections,​ August 2019 edition. ​
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  • Showing 281 - 300 of 311 results
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