Student Organization Funding Request Form

A portion of the Student Senate budget is appropriated for providing financial assistance to student organizations during events. Events attended must have taken place within the United States (no international events will be reimbursed). Each application will be reviewed and decided upon on an individual basis by the Student Senate Finance Committee. Senate will attempt to award funds on an equal and fair basis. There is no guarantee on the award or amount provided.


The Student Senate is reorienting the allocation of activity fees to fund University experiences. Because of this, projects like the Professional Development Assistance awards that historically reimbursed students for conference registration fees are no longer available. Funds will now be primarily disbursed to support educational events occurring at our University. Funding requests for activities that are open to the whole student body will have priority over those that benefit specific programs or individuals.

Procedures for Obtaining Funding:

1. Follow guidelines for "recognition as put forth in the Organization Recognition Policies and Procedures.

2. Organizations must submit paperwork include a detailed description of intentions for funds, and who will work with the Program Manager of Student Engagement for purchasing. Please utilize the Student Organization Purchasing Template. You will have to upload this template in the form in step 3. 

3. Click the form below for the Student Senate Funding Request Form.


4. The form will be reviewed at voted upon by the Student Senate at their bi-weekly meetings. 

5. Student Senate will inform the student organization of the decision (approved/denied) after their bi-weekly meetings. Student Senate will inform the Program Manager of Student Engagement of the approved organization funding request.

6. If granted money,

a. Student Organizations will work with the Program Manager of Student Engagement to purchased the approved request.

b. Purchases must not go over the Senate approved dollar amount (including S&H costs)

c. All purchasing request must be submitted to the Program Manager of Student Engagement at least 3 weeks prior to the event (depending on the type of request, some items may take additional time o process).


Eligibility criteria: 

  • Funding requests of $500 or less require submission at least 2 weeks prior to the event date. Requests greater than $500 require approval of the entire senate committee and must be voted on the next senate meeting, requiring at least 4-week advance notice. Please see list of meeting dates below to plan requests accordingly.
  • Event must be affiliated with a registered student organization on CU Anschutz campus. If your group is not registered, you can register your group here.
  • Requests must be for upcoming events. Senate is unable to provide reimbursement after the event date. 
  • Conference attendance and travel costs are ineligible for funding. 
  • Preference will be given to events open to all students on campus and inclusive of all programs.
  • We cannot fund student organization promotional materials /prizes/gifts with monetary value and/or are used for profit events for the organization.

Please note: This is not an exhaustive list of criteria and all funding requests will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.


Student Senate

CU Anschutz

Education II North

13120 East 19th Avenue


Aurora, CO 80045


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