The Spring 2025 waiver period is from 12/13/2024 to 2/8/2025. You are only required to complete the Spring waiver if you did not complete the annual waiver in Fall 2024. If you missed the waiver period, please submit the Appeal Form below for review.
A new waiver is required for all students enrolled in at least one credit hour at the start of each semester. The Spring 2025 waiver/enrollment portal will be available 12/13/2024 - 2/8/2025. If you missed your opportunity to complete the annual waiver Fall 2024 or are newly enrolled beginning Spring 2025, but you have other coverage and wish to waive, please reach out to the SHIP Office at
Graduating this semester?
Short-term solution for SHIP-Enrollees: Graduates who were enrolled in SHIP for the semester prior to graduation can opt in for 1-3 months of Continuation Coverage with Anthem Student Advantage. Please contact our office for additional details. This is paid out of pocket for the timeframe you select during the online enrollment.
SHIP Alternatives for those staying in CO: For a long-term solution in Colorado, explore the Affordable Care Act (ACA) compliant health insurance options available on the open market at Connect for Health Colorado. Colorado Medicaid (Health First Colorado) might also be an option.
SHIP Alternatives for those leaving CO: For a long-term solution or if you’re moving out of state, explore the ACA compliant health insurance options available on the open market at
Employed after graduation? If you’ll be employed after graduation, work with your employer’s human resources department to determine when your coverage starts and enroll in a plan that meets your needs.