Remote Tools and Software

Tools and software for working remotely or hybrid. View all Tools and Services for more.

Students and teacher learning online

Staying Connected with Remote and Hybrid Work

In addition to the options for using Microsoft 365 applications, the university's virtual private network (VPN), or a remote desktop and applications, there are many collaborative productivity tools to allow you to work with colleagues, teachers and fellow students. These tools allow you to have virtual meetings, online chats, soft phones, and connect remotely to your files and Anschutz Medical Campus resources. Take a look at some of these options and please contact the OIT Service Desk if you need additional assistance getting started.

Microsoft Teams

Category: Office 365 OIT - Categories OIT - Type of software Productivity and Business Software Audience: Faculty Staff Students
Microsoft Teams is a chat-centered workspace in Microsoft 365. It brings people, conversations, files, and tools into one place, so everyone has instant access to everything — facilitate meetings, chat one-on-one, make audio or video calls, and connect your Teams site to third-party apps safely.

Welcome to Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is a chat-centered workspace in Microsoft 365. It brings people, conversations, files, and tools into one place, so everyone has instant access to everything — facilitate meetings, chat one-on-one, make audio or video calls, and connect your Teams site to third-party apps safely.

Be sure you have Duo to provide multi-factor authentication (MFA) with Microsoft 365 applications - including Teams - when on-campus or off-campus. OIT recommends using the Microsoft Teams desktop or mobile device application for access to all your Teams from your phone or other mobile device so that you only need to authenticate about every 90 days.

Watch the What is Microsoft Teams video to learn more.

Microsoft Teams live events are enabled for all university staff, faculty, and students. Live events provide similar functionality to a Zoom Webinar and does not require any additional cost to use. Click on the Calendar in Teams and click on the down arrow next to New meeting to view the Live event option. Additional information is available below in the Getting Started Using Microsoft Teams Live Events section below. 


Get started using Microsoft Teams

  • Go to your University Microsoft 365 Webmail
  • Click the “waffle” in the upper left corner
  • Under “apps”, find “Teams”
  • Click the “Download Teams for Desktop” link in the bottom left-hand corner
  • Install Teams for your operating system (Windows or Mac OS).
  • Any Teams you belong to will show up on the left-hand pane of the Teams download.

Helpful Tips for Setting Up Teams

  • Create a Team: Hints for naming Teams...
    • The name of the Team is public, even if the content is private
    • Be specific, Include segment, business unit or department prefixes and acronyms
    • Include “Project Team” or “Working Group” for Teams set up around commonly-known programs and services
  • Channels:
    • Dedicated sections within a Team to keep conversations organized
    • Organize by topic, department, client, project
    • Currently, everyone on a Team has access to every channel. Private channels are coming soon.
    • Every channel has its own conversation space, apps, notebook, document library, etc. These are organized as tabs across the top.
    • Create a channel video
  • Tabs: Tabs, added along the top of a channel, can contain a document from your files area which is especially important to that channel (such as a project charter), or an application like a Planner project plan, a Youtube video, or a polling application like Polly. Learn more about tabs.
  • Notify others: Notify your teammates about conversations in Teams. The Teams equivalent of addressing someone on the To: line in an email is  @-mention. You can @mention an entire team, a channel, or an individual. Teams offers an opportunity to replace email threads with Teams conversations. Learn more.
  • Integrate apps: Apps, bots, and connectors integrate into a channel. You can get data from your social media accounts like Twitter or Facebook, have a personal assistant schedule meetings and track your packages, or keep your project plans in a channel for all to find. Learn more about using apps with Teams. 

HIPAA Compliance for Teams

Microsoft Teams (Teams) brings together the full breadth and depth of Microsoft 365, to provide a true chat-based hub for teamwork and give customers the opportunity to create a more open, fluid, and digital environment. Teams is built on existing Microsoft technologies woven together by O365 Groups. Teams is built on the Microsoft 365 hyper-scale, enterprise-grade cloud, delivering the advanced security and compliance capabilities Microsoft customers expect.

When the University of Colorado of Denver shares information, internally or externally, it is important that the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of that data be preserved. That is no small task, especially with so many cloud storage options available. Microsoft has entered into a Business Associates Agreement (BAA) with the University of Colorado of Denver. This agreement helps provide university students, faculty, and staff with a tool for collaboration and secure file sharing, Microsoft Teams.  

While Teams is configured for HIPAA compliance, you should use caution in the type of data is stored as well as with whom and how the data is shared (same university HIPAA policies and procedures apply).

HIPAA compliance depends on all of us. Please review the following information:

  • Data Classification & Impact
  • Protected Health Information (PHI)
  • Data Integrity - HIPAA Policy
  • Security of ePHI on Home Computers - HIPAA Policy

    If you have any questions regarding this service, please contact the OIT Service Desk at 303.724.4357.

    Training Resources

    Getting Started

    Using Microsoft Teams Live Events

    Microsoft Teams Live Events are an extension of Teams meetings that enable you to schedule and produce events that stream to large online audiences

    View Microsoft's live events training material: 

    To get started:

    1. Schedule a live event
    2. Invite attendees
    3. Produce your live event
    4. Present in a live event in Microsoft Teams
    5. Manage the recording and reports

    Add Pronouns to Teams

    Gender pronouns are words that refer to the person you are addressing.  Pronouns allow you to address people without using their names. In an inclusive, multi-cultural workplace, addressing people by their preferred pronouns is a simple, yet essential, way to show respect for their gender identity.  

    How to add your pronouns to your profile card:
    Once you’ve added your pronouns, anyone with a and/or email address will be able to see your pronouns in Teams and in Outlook. Below are steps to guide you through adding your pronouns.  For a video walkthrough, please visit this Microsoft Teams Pronouns Guide.  

    Open your profile card in Teams or Outlook on the web: images below are from Microsoft 365 website. 


    1.  Click on your profile picture (top right of screen in teams) to view your profile overlay:

      Teams profile picture

    2. From your profile overlay, select on your name to view your profile card:

      Teams small profile card

    3. Select + Pronouns or the pronouns listed below your name.

    4. To add or change your pronouns, select from the examples (only available in English), or enter your own.  To change/delete, remove your pronouns, and then re-add if applicable.

    Outlook on the web:

    1. Click on your profile card in an email or meeting invite to show your profile

      Note: The pronouns feature is not available in the My Account portal in Outlook.

    2. Click + Pronouns or the pronouns listed below your name:

      Pronouns on profile card

    3. The Add your pronouns window appears. To add or change your pronouns, select from the examples (only available in English), or enter your own. To delete, remove your pronouns.

      Pronouns dialogue windowAdd your pronouns window

    4. Click Save and then Got it.  Changes are updated immediately.
    Supported platforms: 
    Windows, macOS, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge  

    Not supported platforms:  
    iOS, Android, Linux 

    About the use of pronouns:

    Microsoft OneDrive for Business

    Category: Office 365 OIT - Categories OIT - Type of software OneDrive Productivity and Business Software Audience: Faculty Researchers Staff Students Cost: Free
    OneDrive for Business is an integral part of Microsoft 365 and provides a place in the cloud where you can store, share, and sync your work files.
    See full details OneDrive for Business Login

    Remote Access VPN

    Category: IT Security OIT - Categories OIT - Type of software Productivity and Business Remote Access Software VPN or remote access Audience: Faculty Researchers Staff Students Cost: Free
    When connecting from off-campus, there are several remote options based on your needs. You will be prompted for multi-factor authentication through Duo during login to the VPN or VMware Horizon for remote access.
    See full details

    Telephone Setup and Support

    Category: Billing OIT - Categories OIT - Type of software Phones Productivity and Business Audience: Faculty Staff Cost: See extended details for rates
    This service request is to install/activate, make changes, or deactivate an office/desktop telephone connection at a designated location. Typical use of this service is to support an office phone, or multiple office phones, connection.
    See full details Request Service

    Additional university resources

    The following resources are available from colleges, schools and departments to help you navigate remote work:

    OIT Website

    • The OIT website has additional information about services offered by the department. Be sure to check the software webpage for software and applications available for free or at a discounted rate to faculty, staff and students. CU Denver | Anschutz is now an Adobe Creative Cloud campus. Students have access to the suite of products for free; faculty and staff can receive Adobe Creative Cloud for $45 per year. Visit the OIT Adobe Creative Cloud webpage for more information about licensing.


    Cyber Security and COVID-19


    HIPAA and COVID-19

    • HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) is a U.S. law designed to provide privacy standards to protect patients’ medical records and other health information provided to health plans, billing/coding companies, doctors, hospitals and other health care providers. University staff working remotely continue to be responsible for protecting and securing all information including HIPAA protected health information (PH) in the same manner as if you were working on-site. 
    • Detailed information about how to protect the privacy and security of HIPAA information and tools approved for telehealth during this public health emergency are available on the Office of Regulatory Compliance HIPAA & Coronavirus FAQ webpage


    More Resources

    Quick links to additional campus resources:


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