Brand Resources

Welcome to the CU Anschutz brand resources hub! Brands like CU Anschutz are at their strongest when represented consistently and confidently across all aspects of business – from individual schools, units and departments to myriad audience touchpoints.

Here you’ll find access to our image library and branded templates, and an email signature generator to help you easily create effective marketing and communications materials that are both on brand and on target to achieve your business goals.  


All CU Anschutz communications and marketing must include the following:

Correct name
Approved logo

Official colors

Official typeface

Digital Assets

Image Relay

Asset library for photography/video & logos

Digital Assets

Design Templates

Social media, flyers, events and more

Gold Diagonals

Email Signatures

Email signature generator tool

Printing Services

Print Services

Access design help and order printed materials

Quick Links

Contact Us

Contact the brand team at: or see our FAQ page


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