The Plaza Building will be closed through at least Dec. 6 because of a water line break and expected repairs. The Health Center, located in the building, will only offer Telehealth until further notice. Please check the Auraria Campus website for updates.
Yes, the staff is trained to collect them separately and take them to the correct outside bins. Additionally, the recycling is emptied into the outside bin and the collection bag discarded in the trash.
Yes, however as the janitorial company is only contracted Monday – Friday you may incur a cost to the requesting department.
All janitorial cleaning chemicals must be of commercial quality and be Green Seal or Eco Logo certified.
No, it is a safety hazard for the custodial staff. You need to contact your lab administrator to get a glass disposal box for your lab.
You can contact the Facilities Management Customer Service Center at 303-724-1777 or
No, they are not authorized to open doors for customers. You can call UPD for assistance at 303-724-4444
Exterior windows are cleaned by a separate vendor. Interior glass is included in the contract.